DiscoverSavingsBooks™.com is all about recreating the landscape of consumerism utilizing the latest technologies available and focused entirely on enhancing the ability of any business to advertise its products and services to a buying public in the most effective ways possible while also making it possible for the consumer to derive the maximum value with the maximum ease when doing business with those business that are committed to delivering high value and quality of service to those consumers. We integrate the latest advertising, promotion and savings techniques such as online and mobile coupons and location mapping.
Not only is a one stop localized and regionalized portal for consumers to find what they seek and shop knowing they will get the best value possible, it is a place for credible businesses to present their value propositions to the buying public in a simple and clear fashion and be able to utilize the latest in digital advertising techniques and to be able to do so without the dramatic expense and overheads commonly found in today's consumer model.
Whether you are a business owner looking for the best return on your advertising investment, a not for profit organization seeking to maximize your exposure and donor participation or whether you are a consumer looking for a place to find the best products, services and values available to you and to also support causes important to you in your community, is the place for you.
1810 S. Lynhurst Dr., Ste. Q
Indianapolis, IN 46241
Phone: 317.805.1011